
The Future of Seafood Purification

The ISCG PurClean™ system optimizes seafood depuration by ensuring top-tier water quality while maximizing water reuse and energy efficiency. Designed for both new and existing depuration tanks, this modular and chemical-free system enhances operational control and product quality.

It is not possible to increase the supply of fish by capture fishing alone. Sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture (fish farming) is needed too. This involves also fish produced in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS).

How does it work?

The system is installed on your depuration tank. It can be retro-fitted or installed as part of a new depuration system. Our design
is modular and easy to install. We can manage the whole work or use your established piping and tank installation crew.

The system only requires air and electricity, it is free of chemical handling or consumables.

All bleed-off water from the system can be safely introduced into your aquaculture main production system.

The system efficiently removes particles and sludge, treats the water to degrade taste and odor compounds such as geosmin,
MiB, etc. Through the process the water is also efficiently
sterilized (>98% microbiological control).

Contact us today to transform your seafood depuration!

Why choose PurClean™