Profitable, prosperous,
and sustainable fishery and seafood sectors.
Our services
We are specialized in providing our customers with novel and high-quality advice and support on fisheries and seafood value chains.
ISCG is involved in the improvement of future seafood solutions. We bring up perspectives on how development activities should be directed so that fisheries and seafood businesses can be developed cost-effectively and so that fishery livelihoods can more broadly respond to the needs of seafood production in the midst of various crises. We help our clients to predict future outcomes and ensure best practice approaches, and we promote efficiency and security throughout the fisheries supply chain.
It is not possible to increase the supply of fish by capture fishing alone. Sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture (fish farming) is needed too. This involves also fish produced in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS).
Our expertise
- Fisheries development
- Low-impact and fuel-efficient fishing
- Bycatch reduction
- Seal-fishery conflict mitigation
- Ghost fishing mitigation
- Project development and fund raising
- Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
- Aquaponics
- Sea farming
- Certification
- New product development
- Byproduct utilization
- Seafood business
- Production lines
- Factory layouts
ISCG is a trusted source of objective advice and support for the future of sustainable and profitable fisheries and seafood.
Our Seafood Vision 2030
Strengthened competitive advantage and enhanced business value.
Food production is in a crisis and the global food system is in dire need of renewal. At the same time, food consumption trends around the world support increasing the supply of healthy fish food. The supply must be versatile and has to include domestic and imported fish, wild fish and farmed fish. It is also paramount that an increasing part of fishery production is used for human food and that the side-streams are effectively utilized.
It is not possible to increase the supply of fish by capture fishing alone. Sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture (fish farming) is needed too. This involves also fish produced in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS).
Target-trawling and seining European smelt
Conducted by the International Seafood Consulting Group (ISCG) and funded by Eastern Finland based Kalaleader, the Järvikuoreen kohdennetun trooli- ja talvinuottapyynnin kehittäminen project explored ways
The menace of Abandoned, Lost, and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALFGD) in Inland Fisheries
The unprecedented rise in the production and use of plastics globally has led to increasing incidences of plastic waste becoming an environmental pollutant in both
Side-streams of European fishing industry should be converted into value-added products
Several million tonnes of fish are processed annually by the European fishing industry. The processing of this material produces a significant amount of filleting and
Potential of Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS)
Fish farming by closed indoor Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) has rapidly grown around the world. RAS technology offers several advantages over traditional aquaculture methods. Among
Fishing will be electrified
The rise in the price of fossil fuels together with the acceleration of climate change is pressing the need to quickly break away from the